détails du produit + The first female aviator to cross the Atlantic ocean and was awarded the U.S. distinguished flying cross.Amelia accomplished a huge amount of things before her disappearance including writing best selling books about her flying and being a key member in forming 'The Ninety-Nines", which is an organisation for female pilots.In the spirit of International Women's Day we have also added an inspirational quote to the minifig's back!20% of sales of this minifigure are split between and the Kiva is an international non-profit organisation that gives out micro-loans to women around the world to help them with their small businesses. The money is a loan and not a donation. When the loan is paid back to us, we then add the money straight back to the loan pot again, so that more and more women can benefit from these micro-loans. We do not receive interest from these loans. The Chrysalis Youth Empowerment Network (Uganda) aim to advance gender equality through girls’ education.